Sanctuary Asia

The Sanctuary Nature Foundation’s flagship Sanctuary Asia magazine founded and edited by Bittu Sahgal has been in continuous publication since 1981 and remains India's leading and best-loved magazine in its genre. Browse through select articles from our past issues.
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The Forgotten Prophet
Bittu Sahgal writes about the late M.K.Gandhi and what he would have to say of the nation's governance's apathy towards our natural wealth.

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National (In?)Action Plan On Clim...
Normally missing the bus is not such a major problem, because you can always catch the next one.

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Meet Fateh Singh Rathore
About Fateh Singh Rathore and his love for tigers.

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Meet Prerna Singh Bindra
Prerna Bindra quintessential woman in a man's world was presented Sanctuary-ABN AMRO Wildlife Service Award in 2007 for the protection of wild animals.

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The Crime Web
B.K. Sharma reveals here the shocking scale at which wildlife contraband traders use the internet with impunity, at the cost of rare and endangered species.

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Defending Paradise An inside stor...
In the core area of the Periyar Tiger Reserve, foot patrols are our primary defence strategy. It is a tough job because apart from the arduous terrain.

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Meet Dr. Ullas Karanth
One of the world's foremost authorities on tigers, Dr. Ullas Karanth is a senior conservation scientist and Director of the WCS.

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Half a Century Ago
Peter Jackson, a journalist and conservationist, recalls his countless birding trips with Dr. Sálim Ali in the 1950s across the Indian subcontinent.

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Size Matters
Janaki Lenin writes of efforts to preserve the skulls of some of the biggest crocodiles known to have lived, and what size reveals about these reptiles.

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Meet Dr. George Schaller
Considered by many to be the father of modern field biology, Dr. George Schaller speaks to Jennifer Scarlott about science, conservation and mission.

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Viji, the Turtle Girl
When you delve into the history of herpetological conservation in India, as I did recently, you keep bumping into one personality called J. Vijaya.

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The Next Big Thing
It is mid-May on the 2,695 m. summit of Anai Mudi, southern India’s highest mountain.

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