Sanctuary Asia

The Sanctuary Nature Foundation’s flagship Sanctuary Asia magazine founded and edited by Bittu Sahgal has been in continuous publication since 1981 and remains India's leading and best-loved magazine in its genre. Browse through select articles from our past issues.
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M. Krishnan - (June 30, 1912 - Fe...
The average educated adult knows little or nothing of the teeming plant and animal life of the country, and cares less.

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The Lion’s Last Walk
Dr. Anish Andheria writes about the fate of the Asiatic lion, which is expanding the boundaries of its last stronghold – Gir.

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Corbett: Tiger Tourism Or Tiger T...
June 2010:“The phalanx of resorts on the eastern boundary of the park interrupts the once continuous corridor used by elephants, tigers and other wild animals

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Dr. Salim Moizuddin Abdul Ali - (...
Indian ornithology and field biology stand on the shoulders of giants such as Dr. Sálim Ali writes Bittu Sahgal.

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Sanjoy Deb Roy (1934-1999)
Tough talking. Uncompromising. Direct to the point of rude and effective to the point of being ruthless, Sanjoy Deb Roy led from the front.

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Meet Vandana Shiva
Bittu Sahgal speaks to Dr. Vandana Shiva, ecofeminist, author and food sovereignty advocate about conservation in the age of climate change.

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Meet Ranjit Barthakur
Born in 1954 in Jorhat, Assam, to a family of lawyers, his childhood was imbued with Indian values and regular exposure to international issues...

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Meet Hemendra Kothari
Kothari speaks with Bittu Sahgal about his concern for the future of the tiger, about climate change and the battle between developers and environmentalists.

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Salim Ali: An Appreciation by Bit...
Bittu Sahgal writes a heartfelt personal ode to Sálim Ali, filled with nostalgia, anecdotes and fond memories of the beloved Birdman of India.

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Silent Valley: Whispers of Reason
The ‘Save Silent Valley movement is one of the most hard-fought environmental victories in India. It brought together people from all walks of life in a struggl

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New Eyes in a Dark Forest
Back-of-beyond Arunachal Pradesh! We had heard so much about the magic and rich biodiversity of this land....

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tripura with links to Sepahijhala

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