Sanctuary Asia

The Sanctuary Nature Foundation’s flagship Sanctuary Asia magazine founded and edited by Bittu Sahgal has been in continuous publication since 1981 and remains India's leading and best-loved magazine in its genre. Browse through select articles from our past issues.
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That inner glow
Is a piece dedicated to every one. Who is trying to bring a positive change.

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Uncertain Destinies
Coral choice and fate in disturbed reef systems

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Not just a male bastion

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The Starving Elephants Of Udawala...
In March 2015, documentary filmmaker Keya Vaswani sent Sanctuary Asia a series of images clicked by her friend Andrew Bembridge

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Under The Mango Tree
Founded in 2009, Under The Mango Tree supports marginal farmers in an environmentally-friendly, sustainable way by training

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The Forest Of Improbable Dreams
Pranav Capila writes about the Centre for Bear Rehabilitation and Conservation (CBRC), near the Pakke Tiger Reserve in Arunachal Pradesh.

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Guns, Birds and Narikuravas
Rajesh Ramesh ponders if it is fair to criminalise local tribal people for hunting to feed their families, when he witnesses Narikuravas hunt in Chennai.

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Reality Check
Shining light on Navi Mumbai's mangrove mudflats, which are home to wide variety of wilds

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Counting Tigers
Authors elaborate on India’s high-tech, country-wide tiger assessment status.

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Notes from a Bubophile
M. Eric Ramanujam's fascination with Indian Eagle-owls, provides Sanctuary Asia readers with clues on how to better protect both the species and its habitats,

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From Nainadevi To Nandhaur
Freshly initiated into the world of wildlife conservation, Vaishali Rawat goes on a meandering journey through northern Kumaons precious forests.

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Eurasian Eagle Owl or Indian Eagl...
Eurasian Eagle Owl or Indian Eagle Owl? Bubophile M. Eric Ramanujam helps Sanctuary readers figure out what sets the two apart.

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