Sanctuary Asia

The Sanctuary Nature Foundation’s flagship Sanctuary Asia magazine founded and edited by Bittu Sahgal has been in continuous publication since 1981 and remains India's leading and best-loved magazine in its genre. Browse through select articles from our past issues.
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Big Blue, Tall Green
Migrants to the Andaman Islands, Chetana Purushotham and Krishna Anujan find themselves enamoured by the deep,

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Activists Protest Against Ken-Bet...
A coalition of experts and organisations in the field of environment protection, has issued a collective note against the proposed Ken-Betwa River Link Project.

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War Of The Worlds
The handsome bezoar ibex Capra aegagrus is the wild ancestor of the domestic goat

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A Planet Worth Defending
This Earth Day 2017, Sanctuary lists a smattering of contemporary environmental concerns.

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The Bengal Slow Loris
Introducing elusive endearing primates threatened by deforestation and exotic pet trade.

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The Heir of the Queen Mother
Chronicles of fascinating lives of three young, wild tigers from "cubhood" to adulthood.

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Nature And Nation
Sanctuary's Assistant Editor Anirudh Nair reviews Mahesh Rangarajans Nature and Nation.

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Book Review: Spell Of The Tiger -...
Sanctuary's Assistant Editor Purva Variyar reviews Sy Montgomery's 'Spell of the Tiger - The Man-eaters of Sundarbans.'

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Sustaining Environment And Wildli...
In and around Maharashtras Gondia district, an NGO called SEWA (Sustaining Environment and Wildlife Assemblage) is helping regenerate tiger habitats,

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Celebrating Birds
Gleanings from the UP Bird Festival- three days of intense birding, learnings, warnings.

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Cashew Feni and Forest Tales
Better management of plantations tackling a twin threat- habitat destruction and hunting.

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Length Of Skin, Weight Of Bones
A chilling journey into the minds and methods of some individuals from India's traditional hunting communities.

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