Arun Singh
Wildlife Service Award 2021
Journalist, nature lover and conservationist
A fearless environmental reporter, he persistently highlights conservation issues in his home state of Madhya Pradesh and is expanding the reach of conservation education to the proud people of this Central Indian state.
A champion of the most marginalised sections of society, he brings to life stories of peoples’ sufferings, triggered by resource depredation, malnutrition and potential tragedy of the impending internal migration of climate refugees. He writes in Hindi, the language of his people, and is fast-becoming one of the most credible voices speaking for this emerald-forest belt.
For a quarter century, he has consistently exposed hidden realities and questioned lobbies that work to profit from India’s survival assets. His persistent truth-telling on the ecological mayhem and the financial disaster that will follow on the tail of the proposed Ken-Betwa River Linking Project has resulted in threats. Equally, he has lauded the government on its successful repopulation of tigers in Panna.
Singh’s is a relentless battle. He refuses to allow the edge of his words to be blunted. He writes for the voiceless and oppressed, human and non-human. His ink is far from dry.